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7 Key Benefits of Hosted VDI Cloud Services

Written by Brandon Greene | Feb 9, 2021 9:27:21 PM

Adding a virtual desktop infrastructure(VDI) to your business operation is a great way to enhance productivity. VDI’s allows you to run a desktop operation either on-premises or in the cloud.

The benefit is that you are able to get things done faster and this saves you not only time but money as well. A VDI allows users to access their desktop remotely, from several locations and devices.

These are just some of the benefits. The following is a more comprehensive look at what you will get when you use this technology for your business.

1. Remote Work is Easily Enabled

Virtual desktop infrastructure gives your employees the chance to work from remote locations. Your staff will have access to their desktop from several devices. This allows them to work more flexible hours. They can also leave the office at any time and still have their desktop available so that they can continue working on the go.

This creates a wide range of opportunities for your business since employees will not have to be in the office to work. With VDI technology, you can effectively enable remote work opportunities for your staff.

Bear in mind your staff will also be able to use VDI in the office as well if you still choose to make them do so. This flexibility is one of the reasons this technology is thriving.

2. Secure Your Data

A virtual desktop infrastructure will help you to secure your data because it eliminates the need for you to store important information on an on-premises device. Instead, the data will be stored in the cloud. This means that you are free from having to deal with damage to an on-premises device that can compromise your data.

As long as your employees have their usernames and passwords they will be able to access data from anywhere. You can create disaster recovery and backup systems for your business. This provides data security for you, especially if you run an online business, and are charged with keeping the data of your clients, customers, and suppliers safe.

You can also enable vulnerability scanning for your VDI, this will eliminate the need for constant human supervision and interventions. You can automate remedial action for breaches. Secure your system by blocking network traffic when necessary or by putting a virtual machine into quarantine.

The ability to have this hands-off approach to security is something that is critical to business owners who don’t have enough time to constantly monitor a VDI.

3. Create Desktop Pools for Different Departments

Desktop pools are a unique feature of virtual device infrastructure. This means that your desktop can be divided into several different sections. If your office is segmented into different departments each of them will need a desktop to carry out their daily activities.

Since each of these departments has its own responsibilities within your company they cannot all use the same desktop infrastructure. You will need to set up specific software and operating systems for them.

You can create a desktop pool for each department. Each virtual desktop within a department pool will contain the same features and specifications.

4. Say Goodbye to Hardware Issues

When you store your business information on on-premises computers, it leaves you at a disadvantage because of the physical nature of the desktop. If the computer crashes or there are issues with its processor you will have no choice but to replace the corrupted hardware.

With a virtual desktop infrastructure, your desktop is hosted on a virtual machine. If there are any issues with the virtual machine you can simply resolve this by migrating your virtual desktop to another virtual machine.

This swift migration ensures that there is continued productivity at all times within your company because of a reduction in downtime.

5. Create New Desktops Easily

There's nothing quite as tedious as having to give your employees new computers. You have to find physical space, install operating systems and software.

If you have been recruiting and have a large number of employees that you need to onboard, each of them has to get a desktop. When you have to give each of them a computer to carry out their work. It can get very expensive.

When you use a virtual desktop infrastructure you can provide desktops to employees in seconds at a lower cost. This makes it an efficient, time-saving, and financially beneficial way to get everybody on your team working faster.

6. Scale Your Desktop

With physical computers getting an upgrade can be a tedious process because it usually involves having to replace hardware. When you use VDI technology you will be able to upgrade your desktop almost immediately.

Because the virtual desktop infrastructure is implemented in the cloud, this makes it possible to downgrade or upgrade to certain specifications almost instantly.

7. Save on Power Every Month

An office that uses a physical desktop for each of its employees can use a lot of electricity. There is a lot of hardware that needs to be plugged in.

The most important of which are the CPU and the monitor. These can consume a lot of electricity when you have many employees.

Using a virtual desktop infrastructure helps you to create multiple virtual desktops on one server. Since virtual desktops are hosted in the cloud you will minimize how much power is consumed at the office.

Get Started - VDI Solutions Provider

With all the benefits that can be derived from using a virtual desktop infrastructure, it is easy to see why so many businesses are excited about it and are jumping on board as quickly as possible.

Time is money and when there is a solution that will make life easier and get work done faster there is no reason to hesitate. A VDI infrastructure will allow your staff to work whenever and wherever they want.

This flexibility ensures that even when employees are not in the office, work can still get done in a timely manner.